





KICKASS AUTO, A real legend among Kannabia strains, Citrus has such powerful psychoactive and flavour characteristics that we decided to adapt them to our most productive Rudelaris version. The resulting variety combines speed, strength and growth versatility. Kickass produces long, thick buds heady with the characteristic Citrus fruity flavour. The plant will be ready 8 weeks after germination.

The structure is bush-like, with thick and productive lower branches. Flowers are compact, orange and covered in trichomes. It is highly resistant to insect plagues and fungal diseases.

Indoors, it can be grown in 18 hour photoperiods without problem. Outdoors, we suggest planting from April to September.

Planting Indoors…

The photoperiod is 18-20 hours, with a flowering cycle of  60-65 days. It reaches an average height of between 50 cm, and delivers a yield of approximately 400g per m2.

Planting Outdoors…

Plant between April to September The average height will be between 50cm and 75cm, with an expected yield of 200g per plant.

Kickass Auto can only be ordered if you are over 18 years of age.

The Euro Trust Chemical story has been one of unprecedented success in a relatively short space of time.
From the humblest of beginnings we have grown to become one of the most popular and trusted of research chemical vendors, forging excellent working relationships with a variety of reputed pharmacologists, international research laboratories, and renowned educational institutions. This has allowed us to consistently provide our customers* with the highest quality products.

We have a team of committed individuals, whose passion has driven Chem to develop new benchmarking products that have gone on to become extremely popular, not only across our broad customer base, but also within the industry.

We continually strive to be an industry leader in innovation; to be consistently open to new ideas and new ways of approaching business, while keeping in mind the founding values upon which we are built.